I help businesses grow powerful and passionate teams.

Here’s the truth: successful businesses run on successful teams.

Operations and finances aside, you need supported, motivated, and empowered people to create the results you know your business can achieve. As a professional leadership consultant and coach, I know it’s not as simple as telling people what to do. It’s my job to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to build collaboration, cohesion, and culture. So that your team and your business can scale to new heights.
The beliefs that guide me

Embracing individuality is key

Synergy over talent, every time

Everyone is a leader

When there is no way, create one

We’ve been conditioned to believe that hard work leads to good results.
But from my experience, people are much more nuanced than that. You need teams grounded in trust, teamwork, and synergy, so that each member has the environment they need to be their best. And when you combine effective leadership with high-performing teams, you get the business results you’ve been striving for.
That vision in your mind? You can bring it to life.
Michelle Martin sits in a rattan chair inside a brick office building. There is a palm tree beside her.
Here's the real story...
26 years ago, I started my career on the back of a garbage truck.
I have to say, I spent most of my life committed to proving everyone wrong. Tell me I couldn’t do something? Just watch me! After 8 years on the truck, I took on my first management role at Waste Management, rebuilding teams, developing leaders, and implementing strategic plans to achieve goals.

I saw first-hand how outdated, transactional culture affected the well-being of my team, my peers, and the overall health of the business. I also saw first-hand how effective leadership led to camaraderie, employee satisfaction, and stronger performance overall.

Almost instantly, I realized my passion for supporting individual and team performance. Helping leaders and teams see what's really possible just lights me up.

Now, I work with businesses across North America to help them learn and implement the leadership strategies that take their teams from dysfunctional to dynamic.

Think you’ve got a problem that effective leadership can’t solve? Just watch me!

This or That
Food Truck
A free house
Fancy restaurant
A free world trip
Certified By
Michelle’s coaching style is open, direct, and intuitive.
She is a great listener and has a way of getting you to explore and ultimately reveal more than you might have intended. I’m a very private person and I love how she seemed to tailor her style of questioning to respect those boundaries without ever having to make that request. Her observations were refreshing and insightful and she has a way of holding your feet to the fire without you realizing that is her intention. 

As a result, the work we have done together has been impactful!
Arlene Miller, Arlene Miller LLC
Ready to put your people first?
Let's work together.
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