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Michelle Nicole Martin
The Business Owner’s Coach
Frequently Asked Questions
The goal of leadership coaching is to empower you to lead your team and business effectively and achieve your vision. Through mindset and skills development, I help business leaders, like you, enhance your leadership skills, improve your business knowledge, and build a cohesive team so that you can gain back time, improve profits, and enjoy your business again.
This is so normal – many clients feel this way when we start our partnership. It happens when your business is running you, instead of the other way around. It doesn't feel good and you definitely don't feel like a leader.

First, just because you don't feel like a leader, doesn't mean you aren’t a leader. Second, you've come to the right person - I will help you develop the confidence and skills you need to not only lead effectively, but also feel like a true leader. I'll support you in recognizing your unique strengths, building your leadership abilities, and empowering you to guide your team and business to success.
To me, custom coaching is client-centered. We’ll always start with where you are and what you need and find the right tools and strategies for you. If something isn’t resonating with you, we’ll find another way. Essentially, it means that I adapt my coaching style to you and your business. Because while I might know a lot about leadership, it’s your business and life I want to support.
I believe that trust and chemistry between a client and a coach is critical. If the relationship isn’t working for either party, the arrangement will be canceled and fees will be prorated. I will always work hard to refer you to another qualified coach or professional that can help you achieve your goals.
I do! I’m happy to talk through the options with you on our Consultation Call.
It’s time to become the confident and dynamic leader your team needs to succeed.
As a Leadership professional, I know generic advice won’t actually change your business. Or your life.

I’m not here to teach trendy sales gimmicks or rigid management frameworks. I’m here to help you uncover what you really need and create a plan to make it happen. By understanding your unique business, teams, strengths, and goals, I’ll help you find the tools, skills, and mindset you need to love what you do and make meaningful impact, every single day.
Meet Your Coach
Michelle Martin is sitting behind a wooden desk with her laptop open. She has a stack of books beside her and is looking at the camera and smiling.
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